Bridal photos of Brianna Edwards!

21 Apr

Brianna was so natural I did just a basic glamour natural bridal look shimmer and golden tones with a soft lip! I loved this 🙂

Azzured Artistry

love that she just looks so sweet and got some great pics with her fun quirky personality! Photography done by Heather Smith White House Photography. Love them!!






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Bridal shoot with Anna Fabrizio!!

30 Mar

One of my favorite bridals! Such a beautiful woman, and unique features that I loved to do her makeup.

Azzured Artistry

Beautiful bridal shoot! I loved Anna’s eyes. So fun to do her makeup!  Photography by Heather Smith. White House photography





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Portrait photo shoot

24 Mar

Love some of these profile pics we did. Photographer Matt Broschinsky

Azzured Artistry

image image image                 It was awesome working with these ladies they are beautiful inside and out.  By MPB photography


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Photo shoot

22 Mar

Photo shoot

I am so excited I am getting some pictures done for my makeup portfolio did some bridals and some really fun color looks. Can’t wait to get more pics. Can’t wait to show you all I saw a couple and they turned out so Awesome!! I am totally stoked!

Add some color to your spring!

10 Mar

I have been trying new fun looks. Inspired through photos and colors. There are all sorts of “peacock” eyes some if you look up on google are scary, but some are kind of fun. I wouldn’t suggest this for every age or every eyeshape and definitely not everyday. But this was my take on a peacock eye or multicolor eye. The vibrancy of the blue didnt turn out but I still think it turned out great. I had a lot of compliments and it was just fun! So the reason why I got on this kick of color I was tempted to do streaks of color in my hair like 4 different shades in the front. Decided it was too dramatic, but decided I could change and do some more colorful makeup than usual. So this is my take I have talked about the best color of shadow for your eyes is opposite of the color wheel not green with green, or blue with blue. However if you want to add a little color a little fun I don’t think there is anything wrong with wearing those colors you want to ground your eye with a matte brown to shape the eye and than choose the best colors based off of your skin tone and what you want to try! Have Fun! It is just makeup it won’t kill you. One of the looks I will show later was with green didn’t know if I liked it it was my least favorite at the beginning, but I finished it. By the end I loved how it turned out! Remember it I’d just makeup not brain surgery you can always wash it off if you decide you hate it, but give it a chance :). Lol although I would recommend trying something you aren’t sure of on a slow day not when you have to be at an appt in an hr. Because you might not have enough time to start and do it over 🙂



It has been awhile since I have posted!

8 Mar

I know it’s been awhile and I am sorry. Hopefully I haven’t lost all of you and now can gain more. I got busy my mom was diagnosed with cancer and lived with us in the summer for 8 weeks to do chemo and radiation. Than I got pregnant with my beautiful baby boy. His name is Matai and he is now 10 months old. It’s crazy how busy you can get and how time. Can fly. I can’t believe it’s been so long since I posted. I will definitely be doing more. I have been doing a lot of different makeup looks peacock, chocolate smokey eye, doing some bridal so I will be posting more to come but for now you can see my beautiful baby boy 🙂



Nominated for an awesome BLOG Award!!

26 Nov

One Lovely Blog Award

When you are nominated for this award, you have to

a. thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog  Click Here

b. add the logo to your post

c. Include the rules in your post

d. tell others seven random things about yourself; and

e. nominate 15 other bloggers for the award (you don’t have to write about each one like I did here, you can just list them)

f. let them know they’ve been nominated by a comment

7 Random Things About me!!

I think this is one of my favorite things about the blog award.  It is sooo much fun to learn strange things about people 🙂  Makes me feel like I know them better 🙂

1.  I am currently pregnant and am finding out the sex NEXT WEEK!!

2.  When I was a Junior in High School I bulldozed 20 cows It was like I was bowling in my car 😦 only killed one Messed up my bag in the process.

3.  I was a cheerleader Shot putter (field event in track and field)

4.  I LOVE Spicy food!!

5.  I have earned one free car in Mary Kay

6.  I love doing Bridal Makeup

7.  I LOVE to sing!!  (and have passed that on to my daughter 🙂 )

15 Nominees!!

1. Sadie and Dasie Such great posts And a lot about everything.  Recipes, beautiful photos, Home Decor, Etc..

2. Beauty Today Blog  Of course I LOVE makeup and I love to see everything new that is out there. Love

3. Mamacravings Love this blog.  A mom just sharing things she loves and her family!!  Great posts and fun to read!

4.  Catie’s Chaos  Such a cute woman with such cute kids love the pics and the intro of her fam!!

5.  A utah Moms life     Probably because I am a mom I love mom blogs, and suggestions and thoughts about family are always great!!  🙂

6.  1 mommy 2 monsters  One of my favorites is her header 🙂  so cute and such a cute blog name, but does some fun giveaways!  And kudos to all single mommys I can’t believe how hard that is!!

7.  over my styled body  How much do I love clothes and shoes!!  Gotta love this blog and I love getting inspired to try new things!!  Much love

8.  Jordyn’s Journey  I helped with a fundraiser for this beautiful girl.  Jordyn was so sweet and I want to open the awareness of families going through this.  I truly believe we all need to help and send good thoughts to all families that have to deal with this horrible disease!!

9.  Jen Clyde Stylist  I love the styles and fashions.  Sooo love to look at what other peoples ideas of fashion are and to help pick and choose to make them work for me 🙂  Love it!

10.  utah fashion blog  Like I said I love Fashion 🙂  and I got a kick out of her trying the red lipstick she hasn’t posted in awhile but thats ok 🙂

11.  Stephanies wreck the Dress  House of winter  I LOVE the photography and the fashion the last post on the wedding dress is beautiful!

12.  matt-ali-isley  Fun family and kid blog!!  She is beautiful!! 🙂 and they make a beautiful family!

13.  blushing basics  fun makeup tricks and ideas 🙂 she has a bunch of tutorials reminds me I need to do more  Great job Kristie!

14.  Hello Miss Nikki  Great fun makeup blog.  Nikki is fun seems to LOVE color and it is just a fun read 🙂

15.  Peekaboo Photoos blog  How much do I love baby photos and looking at them.  I think that is why I love this blog just found it, but LOVE it!  🙂  Maybe because I am expecting but they have some BEAUTIFUL photos!! 🙂


Congrats to all of you I hope you enjoy finding your fav blogs to give this award to as well 🙂  Congrats and enjoy thanks again Angela Sheila 🙂

Eyeliner? Dos and don’ts!!

10 Sep

Ok there are a lot of people that wonder how to do the perfect eyeliner.  Do you line the top or bottom?  Do you only line the bottom.  Do you line half way?  What are the Do’s and Don’ts.  Ok so I was watch So You Think You Can Dance!  I know some of you might love it some of you might hate it, but I always find interest in how they do makeup.  And one of the girls was supposed to look kind of older and tired.  And this is what made me start thinking about this post in the first place.  So depending on the size of your eyes you don’t want to much eyeliner like the first one.  You can always do eyeliner on just the top line, but you might not want to do the winged eye if your eye naturally droops it is hard to get the right winged eye look.  If you do the top great!!  But you should NEVER just do the bottome!!  That is a no no it makes you look old and tired and that is EXACTLY how this dancers makeup was and I just had to laugh and thus do this post!! 🙂  And ladies don’t just go halfway it just looks like you forgot to go the rest of the way.  I think it just looks so ridiculous.  You can always do thicker on the outer edge and get thinner as you come into the inner eye, but smudge the line make sure some of the color goes in eyeliner is supposed to be where your lashes come out to make them look thicker and more enhanced but if you do to think of a line or go halfway or only do your bottom lash it can look bad all the way around!!  Also PS if you try to google or search for pictures

of people wearing eyeliner halfway on the bottom line or eyeliner only on the bottome lash line.  They are like non existant.  It was hard to find these two.  So if most people don’t do it and especially celebrities and makeup artists.  It is probably a good idea not to do it.  JUST a THOUGHT!!  🙂  Happy Makeup Monday!!


Messy Pony!

24 Aug

Man this would be the only reason to have long hair 🙂 I love that you can dress this up and down. You should look at the red carpet next time there were a ton!!! I LOVE this look and doing it on other people. SOOOO glamorous!! And both of these people I LOVE. Shari Kendall who is one or the reasons I am in Mary Kay and Robert Jones the man who has taught me all I know as a makeup artist!!! LOVE them both!!!

Beauty Blender!!

20 Aug

Ok so I love this I have used a lot of tools to put on my makeup; foundation brushes, sponges, hands, and the beauty blender.  I have gone back and forth using different ones through the years.  I absolutely love almost all except my hands I would always touch my clothes and make a big mess 🙂  But recently I switched back to the beauty blender and I do LOVE it I think the foundation brush was a little heavier application I usually do two lighter layers so I actually get it done faster because you can use the fatter end and put it on more surface.  I really do LOVE it and I love this cute little you tube clip!!  Let me know what you think!