Tag Archives: gym

Physical Plateau!

10 Apr

So I lost 60lbs almost 5 years ago than got pregnant had a baby lost the weight again, and now have found about 15 of those pounds.  This is a journey I am still happy with where I am at (sort of)  Happy, but want to lose it again.  But I feel like the stuff I would normally do to lose weight I could usually judge what I did or ate and could guess whether i would go up or down and now it seems to not be working.  I almost wanted to think I was pregnant because I would have a reason haha but I need to be more focuse write things down and I know most of weight loss about 80% ATLEAST is eating so thats what I need to do.  I did read this article that I thought was really good, and it reminded me what I did for the last 10lbs the first time.  I actually started running.  Now I am not normally a runner but I had a friend that wanted to run a 5k so I told her I would do it with her.  I still hate running.  I get so bored I don’t know why running for an hr is so different that stairs or the Arc Trainer, but for me it is.  Anyway Click Here if you want to read the article it was really good.  Made me remind myself what I needed to start doing and I probably should start running again.  My body isn’t use to it haha I don’t think it ever will be.  Anyway, just remember nothing changes until you change something!

Being Healthy!

19 Feb

I  love going to work out lifting weights, running, kickboxing, and step classes.  The feeling afterwards is the very best though.  When you know you worked hard did all you can.  Euphoria gotta love it!!