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Transformation Tuesday

5 Jun

Jess’s Blog.  I read her blog.  So great Click Here  She lost over 120 lbs. I never had to lose that much, but even half that was hard so I can only imagine how hard it was.  I want to send out kudos.  Jess such an amazing story.  I truly agree that there is no magic pill, no magic shake its all about eating less than your out put 🙂  calories in calories out.  One of the things I love is Jess has a 3D virtual weightloss makeover tool that you can make.  I think that it could be a really great way to get an actual picture of what you would like when you lost the weight.  Such a great idea.  Have a picture of you motivate you not just a picture in the magazine.  I do think having something visual to remind you that it can help remind you to make better food choices and stay active.  YOU CAN DO IT!!

Don’t “weight” to exercise! Eat for two?

29 May

It is a journey not a destination!  Eve is in a very similar situation and I think that that happens a lot.  You have a weightloss problem, you lose weight, you gain weight, etc.  Click Here I think it makes a difference to have people you are accountable too, and many people have started blogs for this reason I think.  I have had 3 kids and when I was pregant with my first I was a little heavier and I wish I had worked on being thinner before the first one.  I lost the weight after my 2nd one, and my third I was at my goal weight before I got pregnant and that was nice, and here I am thinking about doing it again. 🙂  I used to think when I got pregnant I heard that you can’t start working out.  So I used it as an excuse.  I also used I am eating for 2!  I don’t think that is true at all from all the info I have researched and talked about to my doctors you only need an additional 400 or 500 calories and guess what if you are already eating too many calories guess what you don’t need to add anything.  Eating healthy, working out, will only help you.  What do you think?  Do you eat for two!?  Haha do you eat for two now even if you are not pregnant.  Your stomach really does shrink or grow based off of how much you eat.  After I started losing weight I was surprsed how much I truly did eat and how much crap I ate!  It adds up quickly!

Do you Hate Obesity?

22 May

Ok so I read this article about Meme roth and to be honest I had no idea who it was, but I couldn’t stop reading it because it was just so interesting.  Very controversial I think but I am curious what you all think.  I guess she is disgusted with americans and the obesity epidemic.  Which I agree we have very bad eating habits and we pass it on to our children.  I think that is the worst part harming our children.  Now the harm is how she does it.  Some people think she goes WAY over the line, and some maybe agree with her.  What is your take?  Have you heard of Meme roth?  Do you agree with anything she says or all?  Just curious.  I agree we teach our children how to eat and that is where I fear for the future generations.  In this article Gabby at one point tries to ask Meme what she eats, what a typical day looks like and she seemed very shy about sharing.  It was 4:00pm and she agreed she hadn’t eaten anything, but she says she has never been anorexic.  Now not sure what the exact definition she thinks is but this is one of the defintions Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by excessive food restriction and irrational fear of gaining weight, and a distorted body self-perception.  Meme agrees that her family is fat.  And said she was embarassed and I know when that happens you do have an irrational fear maybe and so even if she still eats but she might just have a case of anorexia.  Not to say we shouldn’t watch what we eat and become healthy.  I just think sometimes we need to watch what we say because you don’t motivate “FAT” people by telling them they are fat.  Trust me it doesn’t help I have been there 🙂  Let me know what you think?  I would love to hear.

Gained it! Lose it the same way! One day at a TIME!

15 May

Ok so I read Andras Blog Love to Eat, Hate to Exercise!  I LOVE it.  She is fabulous and I really loved her post about How I did it!  I agree with basically everything.  She talks about the fact that you gain weight one day at a time so you can’t lose it just by doing or using one magical thing or pill or powder.  I so agree I tried to exercise, but that was not the way I lost most of my weight it made me look better, but the scale didn’t change much.  I joined weight watchers and watched what I ate.  I thought it worked great, but I also think that counting calories just writing it down in a journal could work too.  You just need some responsibility for what you are doing.  The one thing I can’t really agree on is the juicer part.  I have wanted to get one, and I really think I might after reading her blog.  I do agree focusing on eating more vegetables and fruits is a really smart idea and sometimes you just don’t have the time to eat as many as you should so I think juicing could be one of the ways to do it.  I have learned to love more vegetables than I used to, and they do make you feel fuller.  But like Andras Blog I believe you need to do many things, and you can’t expect everything to just fall off us all at once.  I also think that you have to start with the little things.  Start with changing one thing and than with another.  I know we all make New Year’s Resolutions and I truly believe that the reason so many of us don’t do them is we are trying to change everything in our life that we thing isn’t perfect.  When I think that we would be better off doing one thing each month.  Try to change things little by little.  Check out her Blog she looks Great.  And I love to read her posts.

Makeovers for a GREAT Cause!

1 May

Ok So I haven’t really brought it up or pushed it, but I would LOVE to have any of your help.  Let me know especially if you are in Utah, but even if you aren’t we could even do a Skype party and I could send you samples and you could try it and do quick makeovers.  There is no obligation to purchase anything, and we can do as quick as you want.  I have been trained by international makeup artist Robert Jones.  I LOVE teaching what I have learned from him!  It is all about trying to help and have the most entered into this contest and try to win the $5,000 donation check for “The Center for Women and Children in Crisis”  Such a great shelter.  We went and did makeovers on the ladies a couple weeks ago and it was so Awesome!  It made me feel so good, and makes me want to help them even more!  You can call, text, or email if you are willing to help   801-792-0394,   Much love to you all!!

Chore Exercise or Exercise is a Chore!

24 Apr

Ok so how many of you love doing chores.  How many of you love getting stuff done around the house.  I read this blog post from The Token Fat Girl  Click Here and it just reminded me of how many chores I used to do outside.  I


think when you are young you don’t think about chores being good for you because you are burning calories.  But a lot of chores that we do burn a lot of calories.  HAHA how many of you have worked up a sweat when you vacumm your house 🙂  Or how many of you put on music while you are cleaning and that makes you dance more.  Which in turn makes you move and burn calories more.  Gotta love that, when I saw celebrity Kristi Alley started dancing to lose weight I realized how much more I move when I am cleaning if I have music going.  I love listening to music anyway while I am cleaning, but just one more reason to listen some upbeat tunes!  The more we move in every day life the more weight you will lose or keep off.  If it is a life style change than the more we change our regular lifestyle to make us move more regularly.  I went hiking with my kids the other day as a family outing.  We have been getting in the habit of hanging out watching TV and I really want to do more of these types of activities with my family we hiked up one of the many hills or mountains in utah and got to see the city!!  So beautiful!  Go out and spend time with your loved ones! 🙂

Transformation in the City

17 Apr

Ok so I just found Theodora’s blog and I think she is so fun to read about!  I love NYC.  Being from the East coast myself sometimes I miss it.  Although I do love the mountains.  I miss the East Coast in the fall with all the leaves changing 🙂  I really wanted to try to run a couple races this summer.  I am considering getting pregnant around that time as well so I think that is an excuse and I would love to start doing something new again because I really want to get back to goal again.  So I have started up spinning again.  Which I forgot how much I love, and I am thinking about running as well.  I think I need to get some new shoes.  So if you have any ideas feel free to let me know.  My husband is thinking about getting those toe shoes.  Personally I think I want more padding not less padding.  I know some people swear buy it, but not sure if one of those people would be me.  Especially since I am not a lover of running already.  Anyway, thoughts would be appreciated.  Put your favorite type or brand of running shoe in the comments 🙂  Anyway, Theodora lost over 50lbs and now she runs and does tons of races.  I love this blog post it talks about respecting each race and each distance and I think that is really neat.  Click Here  anyway, hope you love it as much as I do.  Let me know what your favorite new fitness activity.

Physical Plateau!

10 Apr

So I lost 60lbs almost 5 years ago than got pregnant had a baby lost the weight again, and now have found about 15 of those pounds.  This is a journey I am still happy with where I am at (sort of)  Happy, but want to lose it again.  But I feel like the stuff I would normally do to lose weight I could usually judge what I did or ate and could guess whether i would go up or down and now it seems to not be working.  I almost wanted to think I was pregnant because I would have a reason haha but I need to be more focuse write things down and I know most of weight loss about 80% ATLEAST is eating so thats what I need to do.  I did read this article that I thought was really good, and it reminded me what I did for the last 10lbs the first time.  I actually started running.  Now I am not normally a runner but I had a friend that wanted to run a 5k so I told her I would do it with her.  I still hate running.  I get so bored I don’t know why running for an hr is so different that stairs or the Arc Trainer, but for me it is.  Anyway Click Here if you want to read the article it was really good.  Made me remind myself what I needed to start doing and I probably should start running again.  My body isn’t use to it haha I don’t think it ever will be.  Anyway, just remember nothing changes until you change something!

Kids eating Healthy? Possible or Not?

3 Apr

Ok so I just read this post about how It made me sad, but finished the rest of the article and really glad I did.  There are some parts that you think are common sense, but really good ideas and thoughts.  I think sometimes we get busy and don’t plan, or we do what is easy at the time, and that isn’t the best way to react.  I never thought of bribing kids with food might be a bad thing to help them eat better.  I thought it was really interesting.  I have to admit I am guilty of doing that.  I don’t do short order cooking my mom always had balanced meals and she usually wouldn’t short order cook.  I was really picky so I wasn’t really eating as much so she said if I am not going to eat what she made I would have to make it myself so I became a connoisseur of Top Ramen or when I was younger I called them curly noodles 🙂  But I am definitely better and not so picky, but I don’t know if my husband would agree.  There are just a lot of things I don’t like because of texture and some just because of flavor.  Tomatoes, mushrooms, pineapple, and coconut.  Lol haha I have so many people ask me when they find out I don’t like pineapple and coconut they say “But you are married to a Polynesian”  🙂 do they really think my tastes are going to change just because I married a polynesian.  Anyway it always cracks me up when people ask me that 🙂  Click Here for Great Post.

Transforming your Tired Skin

27 Mar

I did a previous post on how working out can help your skin be better Click HERE but I was reading another article from a blog about what foods can help your skin change.  How the things we eat really affect how are skin is.  You can help your skin look more youthful, glowing, healthy, clear based off of some of the things you eat.  I know I have heard that berries of course of antioxidants so when you eat them you have more of it in your body, but sweet potatoes also have vitamin A and C that I have talked about earlier that can help your skin look better.  Also Salmon and specific nuts also help give you healthy fatty acids they are like carriers helping carry healthy nutrients to your skin cell membranes.  Healthy oils bring natural moisture to your skin Click Here  So interesting I know eating helps your body, losing weight, feeling better, and having more energy.  But didn’t know why exactly helps your skin.  Definitely their blog article!